合作方式: 行业分类: 国家:
简介中文: 西班牙非盈利组织已研发出一种新型体外方法早期诊断脑损伤患者受到的损伤程度。通过一种特殊的蛋白质检测,目前正在寻找共同研发合作伙伴。 英文原文:A Catalan public sector non-profit organization has developed a new in vitro method for an early diagnosis of brain injury in patients that are suspected to be suffering from an injury. This consists of the detection of a specific protein that appears in high levels at early stages of brain injury. Companies for license-agreement or co-development are sought. A brain injury consists of the destruction or degeneration of brain cells caused by several internal and external causes. The most typical example of this disease is acquired brain injury, where the injury suddenly happens, and the most common causes are stroke and traumatic brain injury. Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the most common cause of permanent disability in adults worldwide, meanwhile traumatic brain injury is one of the principal causes of death in children and adults worldwide. With all these types of pathologies it is very important to recognize symptoms at an early stage. A late diagnostic can result in systemic injuries or the death of the patient. Moreover, depending on the causes of the brain injury, a specific diagnostic protocol and treatment should be applied as early as possible. There have been many efforts to identify appropriate diagnostic biomarkers for brain injury, but they appear in late stages of the disease. For this reason, sometimes those biomarkers could reveal wrong diagnostic information, or maybe cannot be detected. Thus, there is a need to find more precise and fast diagnostic methods A Catalan public sector non-profit organization with wide experience in the sector has developed an in vitro method for an early diagnosis of brain injury in patients that are suspected to be suffering from an injury. This method consists of the detection of a specific protein that appears in high levels at early stages of brain injury. Companies for license agreement or co-development are sought. The current invention allows physicians to obtain a fast diagnosis of brain injury from multiple origins and to start the right treatment earlier. Technology validated in patients with brain damage of various etiologies.



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